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Primo: using the library catalogue: Reading lists and Primo

Your reading list

A module reading list is usually a list of books and other information resources compiled by the module co-ordinator to support your study of a module.

Where can I find my reading list?


You can find the reading list for a module you are studying in Blackboard.

  • Visit the module in Blackboard and the Reading List will appear in the top six items within Course Content
  • Click on the Reading List (pile of books image) and it will open in the Aspire Reading List system

Find out more about your Aspire Reading Lists.


You can also view your lists directly in the Aspire system at  

Enter the module code and/or name.

Find out more by visiting the Aspire reading list webpage.

If you are choosing modules for next year, or you are a prospective student, visit the AU modules pages and on any module page...

  • click View in Aspire to see a reading list for a current module

  • click View an example list in Aspire to see an example list for a module being taught in the future

Using your list

Your list may contain recommended textbooks along with other sources such as digital chapters, journal articles, websites and more. 

Some lists may have many items included and you will need to select a few items that are of interest. 

Others have essential readings, further readings and can be separated into weekly readings or divided into sections. Check with your lecturer if you are unclear about what is required.

Click on the item's title for more information (such as how many printed copies are available) or use the view online option for electronic access:

You may also see online items with digitised material notes - these are chapters or articles that have been made available electronically specifically for your reading list.

Make sure you follow the access instructions for all your reading list items. Most electronic materials require your University email and password  - this is called Shibboleth authentication. 

Extra Features


You can do a lot more with your reading list such as:

  • set your reading intentions

  • add notes
  • share items
  • search within it for a particular title
  • find a particular section or material type
  • search to view print books or see what titles are an online resource

For students:

  • Up-to-date module readings
  • Library stock available in time for learning
  • Integration into Primo and Blackboard
  • Click-through to e-books and full-text journals and articles
  • Click-through to digitised chapters and articles
  • Guidance notes
  • Personal reading record
  • Enhanced study experience

How to Find a Book From Your Reading List

Reading lists and Primo

You can see if a book you've found in Primo is on a particular module reading list as it will show this below the book title.

Click the READING LISTS button to see which module(s) the book is on - this will take you to straight to view the reading list in Aspire.