A journal is a publication focusing on a particular subject area which can contain articles, letters, research, opinions and reviews written by different authors. Journals are published at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. Each copy is an issue and a set of issues makes a volume (usually each year is a separate volume). Journals are also known as periodicals. Anything you see on Primo or in our Libraries with PER in the classmark, it is a journal containing shorts papers on specific topics. They can be found in print format, online or both.
Why use a journal article?
You can find printed versions of current and older journals on Levels E and F in the Hugh Owen Library.
Journals are shelved separately to the main book collection.
How to find journals in Primo?
To search for JOURNALS and E-JOURNALS:
Aberystwyth University libraries subscribes to a wide range of e-journals.
Further information can be found on Elec Info electronic resources webpage.
Visit the E-journals @ Aber webpage for more information on how to use e-journals effectively.
Journals provide important sources of academic information.
You can search for journal articles using the Articles search in Primo.
Our extensive collections of electronic journals, databases and e-books are available to you 24/7 on and off-campus.