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Life Sciences & BVSc Veterinary Science: Statistics

Data and Statistics

Wherever you look, data is everywhere! Data is quite simply plain facts about something. The data must be collected, interpreted and presented for it to have meaning. Data is the raw ingredients from which statistics are created.

Statistics are useful when you need to support an argument and can be a vital source of information for your studies.

Statistical analysis can be performed on data to show relationships among the variables collected. Through secondary data analysis, many different researchers can re-use the same data set for different purposes.


When evaluating statistical data, here are some questions to think about…


Who is the author? Are they a reliable source?

Time Period
What is the date range of the data? Historical, current or a range of years? Remember that it takes some time to compile data.

What country, county, etc., might compile the data you want?


Are the statistics reliable/accurate? Are they from authoritative sources such as government or an international organisation? Can they be verified?


What data is likely to be available?


Is the coverage complete?


Maps, both print and digital, can be a useful source of information across a range of different disciplines including agriculture, biological, earth and rural sciences.  Town and land maps can provide many levels of detail while historical maps can demonstrate development across the centuries.

Welsh Statistics

Welsh Government Statistics Access to topic areas for the Welsh Government statistics

Statswales  Freely available official data on Wales (general).

UK Statistics

Animal and Plant Health Agency Statistics on animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy.

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA):

  • DEFRA publishes national and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food, farming and biosecurity.

IBIS World A great resource for company and industry sector information and statistics

Neighbourhood Statistics Official UK government local statistics.  Reports available using postcode searches

Office for National Statistics Online Access to UK official statistics (2008 onwards)

Organic Farming Statistics Statistics about organic farming in the UK.

UK Data Service UK's Largest collection of UK and international social, economic and population data.

UK National Statistics Publication Hub   Gateway to UK National Statistics

International Statistics

Europa: Agriculture and Rural Development

  • European agricultural statistics from the European Union web site

European Union - Open Data Portal  Access to European Union data.

Global Health Obervatory (GHO) Data  The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is the World Health Organisation's gateway to health-related statistics from around the world.

Guide to freely available international data resources Links to official national, regional and international statistical websites.

NationMaster  Compiles data from sources such as the CIA World Factbook, United Nations, World Health Organization and the World Bank. You can search, compare any two countries by category, and browse by category and by country

Quandl Time-series datasets from 400 sources. Includes oil prices, exchange rates, unemployment and world stock markets.

United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) Population figures and projections from the United Nations.

United Nations UN Data Explorer Free access to the world's major international statistics from the United Nations including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

United Nations Statistical Commission Statistics on the economy, environment, population, society and trade. 

UNWTO Tourism Statistics Up-to-date tourism statistics from around the world.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service

World Factbook Overview of all countries providing brief descriptions of many aspects including people, government, economy and transport.

Maths and Statistics Support

Maths and Statistics Support 

Maths and Stats drop-in sessions available in the Library: 
  • Term-time
  • 10:00-13:00
  • Level D, Hugh Owen Library (next to vending area)

The Maths and Statistics support service is run by the Department of Mathematics. 

R and RStudio guidance

R             All images 

For students and staff who want to install R on personal computers, you need to download and install R first then download and install RStudio which are both free:


LinkedIn Learning R and RStudio courses:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your Aberystwyth University email address and password
  3. The first time you login you will be prompted to connect your personal LinkedIn account, or continue without connecting an account. 

Examples of courses: (sign in top right hand corner with your Aberystwyth University email address and password)

Library books to help with statistics