Hello! My name is Simone Anthony your Subject Librarian, and I'm here to help you find library resources that will enable you to make the most of your studies in Healthcare Education.
If I am unavailable, please click here to make an appointment with another member of the library team, or email librarians@aber.ac.uk
*I work part-time: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 0900-1300, Wednesday 0900-1515 (I don't work Fridays)
I'm offering face-to-face drop-in sessions (most Mondays during term-time only).
0900 - 0950 Mondays Gwendolen Rees, 1.31.
1000 - 1200 Mondays Level F Enquiry Desk, Hugh Owen Library
Bring your questions about finding information sources for your assignments.
Alternatively, you can email me your questions sia1@aber.ac.uk / librarians@aber.ac.uk
The IT and Library Enquiry Desk is available via in person on Level D, Hugh Owen Library, online chat, Teams, telephone and e-mail services.
Further information available on the webpage: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/is/help/contactus/