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Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness: 9. Reference management tools

Storing your references

Many online information sources contain features to help you store your search results for later use. In Primo, for example, you can store your search results in your Favourites. Try to get into the habit of storing the records for the information sources you find so you don't have to spend valuable time searching for them again when you are creating your reference list.

There are also online tools to allow you to export search results to reference management software e.g. EndNote. More details are below.


EndNote is a desktop bibliographic referencing application for gathering bibliographic references from online databases; amending, managing and storing references; formatting the references from a range of citation styles provided and exporting the references as footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies into Microsoft Word documents.

For help and support using EndNote, please refer to the online tutorials provided by EndNote Training. 


There is support documentation online. Mendeley allows you to import references into your assignments using a citation add-in for Word.


This is a freely available option to collect, store and help you insert citations into your assignments.

Support is not provided by Aberystwyth University but there are useful help guides and videos available online.

Citations and Bibliography in Microsoft Word


There is a feature in Microsoft Word for creating in text-citations and bibliographies. It is called Citations & Bibliography and you can find it on the References tab in Word.

N.B. you do have to type in the reference details yourself so this is only useful if you are only citing a small number of references. Also it is not designed for use with footnotes.