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Defnyddio Deallusrwydd Artiffisial yn y Llyfrgell: Canllaw Myfyriwr: Deallusrwydd Artiffisial a'r Llyfrgell

Defnyddio Deallusrwydd Artiffisial yn y Llyfrgell:


Noder: Gwiriwch gyda'ch adran neu Gydlynydd Modiwl i wneud yn siŵr eich bod yn gwybod pa fath o ddefnydd o Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial sy'n dderbyniol neu beidio yng ngwaith cwrs eich modiwl.

Mae gan adnoddau deallusrwydd artiffisial y potensial i helpu myfyrwyr i fanteisio i'r eithaf ar eu hamser yn y llyfrgell. Mae'r gallu i ddefnyddio iaith naturiol i ddod o hyd i wybodaeth yn rhoi dull mwy greddfol ac effeithiol i fyfyrwyr chwilio am yr adnoddau cywir ar gyfer eu haseiniadau a'u hymchwil.



Er enghraifft, gellir defnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial i:

  • Darparu crynhoad o lyfr.
  • Cael argymhellion llyfrau.
  • Crynhoi rhannau o destunau.
  • Creu llyfryddiaeth.
  • Creu geirfa o allweddeiriau er mwyn chwilio drwy gatalog y llyfrgell yn effeithiol.
  • Cyfieithu rhannau o destun.

Byddwn yn dangos rhai enghreifftiau o'r rhain yn fwy manwl isod, ond cofiwch, rhaid i chi ddilyn y canllawiau ar ddefnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial a ddarperir gan eich adrannau bob amser ac os ydych chi'n defnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial ar gyfer unrhyw ran o'ch gwaith a asesir, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw gwirio popeth a gynhyrchir gan y deallusrwydd artiffisial i sicrhau bod y wybodaeth a gynhyrchir yn gyfredol ac yn gywir.

Er mwyn sicrhau eglurder llawn, defnyddiwyd ChatGPT i ddarparu'r enghreifftiau isod. Mae'r holl enghreifftiau wedi'u copïo air am air ac nid yw eu cywirdeb wedi ei wirio.

Darparu Crynhoad o Lyfr

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: In 100 words, summarise Clausewitz's On War for an undergraduate level student]. 

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

"Clausewitz on War is a seminal work that explores the nature and dynamics of warfare. Written by Carl von Clausewitz, it emphasizes the complex interplay of politics, strategy, and human factors in conflict. The book argues that war is an extension of politics, highlighting the importance of clear objectives and rational decision-making. Clausewitz stresses the significance of understanding the "fog of war" and adapting strategies accordingly. He emphasizes the central role of military leaders in executing plans and adapting to unpredictable circumstances. Overall, Clausewitz on War provides valuable insights into the complexities of warfare and serves as a foundational text for understanding the strategic dimensions of armed conflicts".

Crynhoi Rhan o Destun

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: Please summarise this piece of text in 150 words]:

I pasted in the first 2657 words of text from the article: Positive Psychology: An Introduction by Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (2000).

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

"Positive psychology is a field that focuses on understanding and promoting well-being, rather than solely focusing on pathology and mental illness. This approach aims to improve the quality of life and prevent the negative outcomes associated with a lack of meaning and fulfillment. The field examines positive subjective experiences, individual traits, and institutions that contribute to a flourishing life. The 15 articles in the special issue of the American Psychologist discuss various topics related to positive psychology, such as happiness, autonomy, optimism, wisdom, creativity, and talent. The authors highlight the need for a shift in psychology from solely repairing weaknesses to also nurturing strengths and virtues. They argue that psychology should contribute to creating a science and profession that supports individuals, communities, and societies in thriving. The articles outline a framework for positive psychology, identify gaps in knowledge, and predict that the next century will witness significant advancements in understanding and building factors that contribute to human flourishing".

Cael Argymhellion Llyfr

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT:  I found Nikolas Rose's book, Inventing our selves: psychology, power, and personhood very useful for my studies, please could you recommend five similar titles]: 

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

  1. "The Birth of Biopolitics: Michel Foucault's Lecture at the Collège de France on Neo-Liberal Governmentality" by Michel Foucault
  2. "The Psychopolitics of Neoliberalism: Governing Britain's Mental Health" by David Harper
  3. "The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling" by Arlie Russell Hochschild
  4. "The Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience that Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain" by Gina Rippon
  5. "The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness" by R.D. Laing

Creu Geirfa o Allweddeiriau Er Mwyn Chwilio Drwy Gatalog y Llyfrgell yn Effeithiol.

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: Build a keyword vocabulary for searching the library catalogue for books on the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War]:

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

"These keywords can be used individually or combined in various search combinations to find relevant books and resources on the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War.

Tet Offensive; Vietnam War; Military history; Guerrilla warfare; Vietnam conflict; Southeast Asia; Cold War; 1968; Communist Forces; United States Involvement; Military Strategy; Counterinsurgency; Battles; Campaigns; Historical Analysis; Political Context; Intelligence Operations; Media Coverage; Impact and Aftermath; Tet Offensive Historiography"


Oni fyddai Google yn ddigon da?

Mae Google yn beiriant chwilio pwerus ac mae'n rhoi ffordd gyflym ac effeithlon o ddod o hyd i dudalennau gwe sy'n cynnwys gwybodaeth gyffredinol, newyddion, adolygiadau a chynnwys poblogaidd. Fodd bynnag, am fod posibilrwydd i hysbysebion ddylanwadu ar y canlyniadau, mae'n bosib nad hwn yw'r offeryn gorau i'w ddefnyddio i chwilio am adnoddau academaidd i gefnogi'ch aseiniadau. 

Gyda'i arddull anffurfiol a'i allu i ddeall iaith naturiol, gall deallusrwydd artiffisial cynhyrchiol fod yn ateb gwell er mwyn chwilio am adnoddau y gallwch wedyn chwilio amdanynt yng nghatalog y llyfrgell. Er enghraifft:

  • Gall deallusrwydd artiffisial cynhyrchiol gyflwyno pecyn o wybodaeth i chi yn hytrach na dim ond darparu dolenni, gan ei gwneud yn rhwydd i chi gyrraedd at y ffynonellau perthnasol.
  • Gall deallusrwydd artiffisial cynhyrchiol roi gwybodaeth i chi ar y lefel rydych yn astudio arni (e.e. lefel israddedig). Mae hyn yn golygu y cewch wybodaeth wedi'i phersonoli sy'n fwy perthnasol a dealladwy.
  • Gall gwasanaethau sgwrsio fel ChatGPT roi arweiniad i chi o ran pa eiriau ac ymadroddion allweddol i'w defnyddio i chwilio catalog y llyfrgell yn fwyaf effeithiol.
  • Gallwch ddefnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial cynhyrchiol i fireinio chwiliadau blaenorol, gan ei fod yn cofio'r hyn rydych chi wedi'i ofyn eisoes.
  • Gall deallusrwydd artiffisial cynhyrchiol eich helpu i grynhoi a syntheseiddio data o lyfrau, tudalennau gwe a PDFs, er mwyn i chi gael gweld a yw'r cynnwys yn berthnasol i'ch gwaith.
  • Nid oes hysbysebion arno (ar hyn o bryd).


Creu Llyfryddiaeth

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: Show me five books that are representative works of the Beat Generation writers]:

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

  1. "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac
  2. "Howl and Other Poems" by Allen Ginsberg
  3. "Naked Lunch" by William S. Burroughs
  4. "The Dharma Bums" by Jack Kerouac
  5. "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe

Cyfieithu Rhan o Destun

[Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: Translate the following into English]:

Dewisais yr Englyn hwn gan Huw Morus:

Gwel waeled saled fy seler:
Ysdyr! I osdwng dy falchder.
A chofia ddyn iach ofer,
Nad oes i fyw ond oes fer.

Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

"Behold the thrashing waves of my cellar:
Despair! I deny your pride.
And remember, frail mortal,
There is no life but a short one".

Defnydd Difyr i Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial

Mae modd cael llawer o hwyl cysylltiedig â llyfrau gyda deallusrwydd artiffisial. Dyma ddim ond un enghraifft. [Defnyddiais yr anogeiriau canlynol yn ChatGPT: Please rewrite Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in the style of George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones]. Dyma a gynhyrchwyd:

"In the treacherous realm of noble houses and courtly intrigue, "Pride and Prejudice" unfolds as a riveting tale of power, passion, and precarious alliances. The proud House Bennet finds itself entangled in a web of rivalries and schemes, where the game of love is as dangerous as the battle for the Iron Throne.

The formidable matriarch, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, represents the powerful House de Bourgh, whose ambitions know no bounds. Elizabeth Bennet, a fiercely independent and sharp-witted warrior, navigates the treacherous landscape, facing off against the haughty Mr. Darcy, scion of House Darcy. Their clash of wills ignites a fire that threatens to consume them both.

Meanwhile, the cunning Lady Caroline Bingley plots to secure her family's position, while the enigmatic George Wickham reveals dark secrets that could shake the very foundations of society. The stakes are high as alliances shift and hearts are tested amidst the backdrop of a society on the brink of change.

Amidst the grand ballrooms and lush estates, swords are sharpened, and whispered conversations hold the fate of houses. Love and honor clash with pride and prejudice, and the battleground is not just for crowns, but for the hearts of the realm.

In this gripping tale, where loyalty is fleeting and deception lurks around every corner, who will emerge victorious and claim their rightful place on the intricate chessboard of power?"

A gan ein bod ni'n sôn am A Game of Thrones, oeddech chi'n siomedig â'r ffordd y daeth y stori i ben? Wel efallai y gallwch chi wneud popeth fel y dylai fod o'r diwedd a dod yn Fam y Dreigiau ar yr un pryd. Y cyfan gyda phŵer deallusrwydd artiffisial!

People are still upset about the last season of Game of Thrones, but imagine if you could ask your AI to make a new ending that goes a different way, and maybe even put yourself in there as a main character.” (OpenAI cyd-sylfaenydd Greg Brockman)