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Teachers' LibGuide: New teaching staff

Book an introduction with your Subject Librarian

You are welcome to book a meeting with your Subject Librarian for an introduction to library facilities and services available to teaching staff and students. This includes acquiring books and other sources to support teaching and an overview of the library catalogue (Primo) and resources already available in your subject.

Subject Information

Discover resources and information for your subject and further sources of advice and assistance.

Libraries / Opening hours

Hugh Owen Library

The Hugh Owen Library is the main University Library and the centre of administration for Information Services.

Opening Hours

Physical Sciences Library

The Physical Sciences Library is situated on the 4th Floor of the Physical Sciences building on Penglais Campus.

Opening Hours

Library tours

We offer library tours throughout the year. Each tour lasts up to 30 minutes and is designed to

  • welcome you to your library and help you find your way round
  • briefly introduce you to facilities and services based in the Library
  • ensure you know where to find help and support

Contact our Subject Librarians to arrange.

Here are virtual tours of the Hugh Owen Library and the Physical Sciences Library: