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Computer Science: Journals and Articles

Journals and Articles

A journal is a publication focusing on a particular subject area which can contain articles, letters, research, opinions and reviews written by different authors. Journals are published at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. Each copy is an issue and a set of issues makes a volume (usually each year is a separate volume). Journals are also known as periodicals. Anything you see on Primo or in our Libraries with PER in the classmark, it is a journal containing shorts papers on specific topics. They can be found in print format, online or both.

Why use a journal article?

  • Important sources for subject information or research.
  • Information on current developments.
  • Journal articles are published more quickly than books, so can be more up to date.
  • They often cover a subject in depth and include original research.

Searching for journal articles

Journals provide important sources of academic information.  You can search for ​journal articles using the ​Articles search ​in Primo.

Current Periodicals / Journals

Keep up to date with the latest news by reading the current printed science periodicals / journals. You can find them in the Physical Sciences Library. Many journals are available online too via Primo


Aberystwyth Univeristy libraries subscribes to a wide range of e-journals.

Further information on electronic resources can be found here.

Visit the e-journals FAQs for additional information.  

Key Databases

Computer Society (IEEE)

"The IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading membership organization dedicated to computer science and technology. The Digital Library holds more than 550,000 articles and papers on computer science and technology."

ACM Digital Library

This is a research, discovery and networking site and provides access to the full-text collection of all ACM publications, and access to a bibliographic database focussing exclusively on computing.


"A digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge." 

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

"On these pages you will find helpful resources, support and advice on how to publish in LNCS, including open access options. You can search and explore LNCS content - with more than 10,000 (e)Books published to date - by year, forthcoming proceedings, LNCS state-of-art surveys, tutorials, topical sublibraries, and more".

British Computer Society

The Chartered Institute of IT website. Facilitiates exchange of knowledge and ideas. Supports practitioners through practical support and information sreivces. Establishes code of conduct, skills frameworks. Also a global awarding body for IT. 

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures (NIST)

"This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to implementations and more information. 

A full list of databases that Aberystwyth University provides can be found here

Document Supply Service

The Document Supply Service allows registered users to request items which are not available in the University Library. We can support staff and students with research and learning by locating and supplying books, chapters, and articles held by other libraries. Information Services will cover the costs of the allocation for the different user groups in all academic departments, subject to available funds.

Click here for further information and to see how many free requests you can order.

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