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Modern Languages: Articles & key databases

Browse Modern Languages databases

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Browse all the databases for Modern Languages including (French journals) and European Newsstream.


 Pressreader thumbnail


Explore many European newspapers and magazines online at where you can enjoy the full pages of each printed edition, complete with photos and other graphics. Newspaper titles include Le Figaro, Libération, ABC, El Pais, El Mundo and Corriere della Sera.

Le Monde (European Newsstream)

Le Monde thumbnail


Read Le Monde newspaper online via the Library's subscription to European Newsstream (ProQuest), including coverage back to 2001.

Die Zeit - in Hugh Owen Library

screenshot of die zeit banner

Read Die Zeit in Hugh Owen Library. The most recent printed edition is in the newspaper racks at the far end of Level D (the ground floor). Older editions can be found in the Modern Languages foyer on Level D, Hugh Owen Building.

Searching for journal articles on Primo

Journals provide important sources of academic information. 

You can search for ​journal articles using the Articles search ​in Primo.

FAQ 1185 has detailed instructions on how to search for full-text articles on Primo. 

Box of Broadcasts: European channels

France 24 channel logo from Box of Broadcasts

The free-to-air TV recording and catch-up service for education Box of Broadcasts (BoB) includes a small number of European language channels

  • 3sat -  German language cultural television
  • ARTE - French and German language cultural television
  • France 24 - French government-owned news channel
  • RaiNews24 - Italian government-owned news channel
  • Tagesschau24 - German language culture, sports and science channel
  • 2DF - German language channel including news and entertainment

To watch programmes broadcast by these channels

  • Register to use BoB
  • Request the programmes you want to watch, either from the last 30 days or coming soon 
  • Search for programmes already recorded. You can use the Custom option in the Channel section to filter your results to programmes from just the European channels

Find more help with BoB on their FAQ page.